The organized unit of United Women in Faith (formerly United Methodist Women) shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ, to develop a creative, supportive fellowship, and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the Global Ministries of the church. Centenary’s unit meets approximately four times a year for business meetings. The UWF has five circle groups: Hope, For Heaven’s Sake, Spirit, Mary-Martha, and Ruth. The Centenary UWF provides many opportunities for service and fellowship: delivering doorbell dinners, providing hostesses for the Fellowship Time, serving funeral dinners, participating in UMW Sunday, a Spring Salad Luncheon, Mother-Daughter Banquet, a Cookie Walk, a Christmas Brunch, the Reading Program, and a Garden Walk. There are also opportunities to participate with the larger community of women through Church Women United, the LaMoine River District UWF, and the Illinois Great Rivers UWF.


Our Centenary’s UWF is blessed to have a wide variety of ages represented in our membership. All women in the Centenary family are welcome to be UWF members. Belonging to a circle is encouraged because of the close fellowship that it provides. However, neither official church membership nor circle membership is required to participate in UWF.


Centenary United Women in Faith join with women beyond our local church for fellowship, spiritual growth, and missions. We belong to and participate in:


If you like to read, you will find a bookshelf full of good books in the church parlor next to the piano.  The UWF Reading program has books that will inspire you, educate you, and challenge you.  Roberta Randorf has prepared a list of the books.  We use the honor system to check out books. Simply sign a card with your name and the name of the book and put it in the file box.

Enjoy viewing pictures of current and past UMF Salad Luncheons and Mother & Daughter Banquets.

Co-Presidents: Brenda Lane/Angi Freitag
Vice President: Pat Baptist
Secretary: Terri Benz
Treasurer: Martha Vaché


Education and Interpretation: Terri Benz
Membership, Nurture, and Outreach: Jarice Crenshaw
Social Action: Bonita Day
Spiritual Growth: Jane Masters
Secretary of Program Resources: Diana Phillips
LaMoine District UMW Shepherd: Marilyn Mieher, Carlinville, Illinois


Hope Circle: Martha Vaché
For Heaven’s Sake Circle: Debbie Belzer and Mary Tomlin
Ruth Circle:
Spirit Circle: Angi Freitag
Mary Martha Fellowship:


Church Women United Rep: Martha Vaché
Doorbell Dinners: Pat Baptist and Barbara Wooldridge
Fellowship Hour: Wendy DeBolt
Funeral Dinners: Pat Baptist, Jane Lair, Diane Webster, and Debbie Belzer
Kitchen: Debbie Belzer
Nominations: Debbie Belzer and Mary Tomlin
Ordering Supplies: Debbie Belzer and LuAnne Woodrum
Prayer Chain Coordinators: Destiny Slater
Program Books: Brenda Lane