Centenary UMC schedules visits and care for those who are unable to easily leave their homes. This ministry helps maintain connection with the members of the church, or those who need some personal contact with the larger world. Services include:

  • Monthly visits are made by a group of committed Christians from Centenary who volunteer their time.
  • Random visits and phone calls by circle members to their shut-in members especially during times of stress or illness.
  • Birthday cards sent to each of the shut-ins in recognition of their special day.
  • Love visitation with cookie/fruit plates by United Methodist Women in February and August–annually.
  • Hope Circle members visit with cookies/flowers in March & October annually.  The circle members also go Christmas caroling annually to shut-ins.
  • Sunday school classes go Christmas caroling to shut-ins.
  • Mailings include Christmas & Easter cards annually. Weekly Mini Messenger that includes Home Touch Ministry.  This mailing consists of a devotional page giving hope and encouragement with Bible readings and verses.  The reverse side of page consists of game and puzzles.
  • New or used Christmas and greeting cards are donated by Centenary members and are delivered annually to local nursing homes that are used by residents to make craft items or send to their friends or family to maintain social connections.