Centenary’s calendar is a “shared” calendar. If you have a Google e-mail account (Gmail), you can also have the Google Calendar available for your online use. Each item on Centenary’s Google calendar is a link that you can click on. In doing so, a pop-up window will appear that will give you the option to “add this event to my calendar.” Then simply click on the “X” in the upper right corner of the pop-up window to close it.
Try it for yourself and see how it works. Hopefully, this will be quite useful for your planning and organizational purposes!
Want to submit an event for the Centenary Calendar?
Send us an email to submit items for the church calendar to: office@jaxcentenary.org, or use the form below.
Please include:
– Your Name
– Your Phone Number
– Describe the Event
– The Committee or Group (if applicable)
– Event Day and Times
– Event set up and take down times (if applicable)