The Missions Committee meets monthly on the 2nd Wednesday at 6:30 at the church. This committee discusses ideas and makes plans for reaching out to those in need. The Missions Committee works on various annual projects throughout the year such as Blanket Sunday, Pennies for Hunger, Crop Walk, and Collections for the Jacksonville Area Food Center. Members of this committee keep in contact with our missionaries, locally and overseas.
The Primary Task of the Missions Committee
To involve your congregation in spreading the gospel through witness and service throughout the world.
Responsibilities of the Missions Committee
- To interpret and recommend to the council on ministries ways to involve the congregation in missions.
- To develop a year-round program of mission education so that the congregation will be better informed and more strongly committed to supporting the mission of The United Methodist Church.
- To make specific recommendations for mission education and involvement for different age levels in the congregation.
- To uncover community concerns and hopes and to encourage members of the congregation to become involved in missions and service projects in the community.
- To be aware of the opportunities for service as missionaries and in other ways and to enlist qualified people to apply.
- To be certain that your congregation has an adequate benevolence budget and has taken advantage of every opportunity to share in financial giving to missions.
- To serve as a liaison within and beyond the local congregation concerning missions.
Source: Discipleship Ministries Unit, General Board of Discipleship, The United Methodist Church.
Covenant of the Missions Committee
To support Centenary’s mission, the Missions Committee adopts this Covenant and establishes our purpose to:
- pray for each other, our missionaries, our deaconesses, and our Volunteers in Mission
- pray for the wisdom for the United Methodist church and its leaders – locally, district, conference and world wide
- pray for peace and justice for all the world
- attend meetings regularly
- listen respectfully to each other and work cooperatively together
- conduct business confidentially in order to crate an atmosphere of trust and openness
- be a witness to others by showing God’s love through personal involvement in missions
- facilitate involvement in mission by our Centenary family through prayer, hands-on missions involvement, and sharing of monetary donations
Chairperson: Martha Vaché
Jacksonville Food Center: Cheryl Terhark
Fox Trust Representative: Brenda lane
Class of 2022: Jarice Crenshaw
Class of 2023: Jane Lair
Class of 2024: Rhoda Walker
Missions-Related Web Sites
General Board of Global Ministries
Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House
UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief)
Red Bird Christian School, Kentucky
Illinois Great Rivers Conference
Church World Service (CROP Walk)
JACIL (Jacksonville Area Center for Independent Living)