The Primary Task of the Committee on Pastor-Parish Relations
The primary task of the Committee on Pastor-Parish Relations is to support your pastor(s) and other staff so that these people can work effectively in managing the ministry of your congregation for witness and service.
Responsibilities of the Committee
- To seek to understand feelings and desires within the congregation about the pastor’s leadership and appointment.
- To work with the district superintendent and/or the bishop in an advisory capacity in matters pertaining to clergy leadership.
- To recommend staff positions needed and to develop and approve written job descriptions and titles for associate pastors and staff.
- To discuss regularly with the pastor(s) and staff the personnel conditions that affect the congregation’s total ministry.
- To counsel with the pastor(s)and staff about priorities for the use of gifts, skills, and time.
- To communicate openly with the pastor(s), staff, and congregation.
- To make recommendations concerning compensation, travel, housing, and other financial matters to the finance committee and the church council.
- To inspect the parsonage with the pastor and the trustees annually to ensure proper maintenance.
- To recommend, in consultation with the pastor, to the church council a written statement of policy and procedures for hiring, evaluating, promoting; retiring, and dismissing staff members who are not subject to episcopal appointment.
- To provide an annual evaluation for use by the pastor(s) and other staff in an ongoing effective ministry.
- To identify continuing education needs and to support and encourage continuing education and spiritual renewal for the pastor and staff.
- To educate the church community on the value of diversity of selection in clergy and lay staff.
- To seek, interview, and recommend to the charge conference lay preachers and qualified candidates for ordained ministry.
Source: Discipleship Ministries Unit, General Board of Discipleship, The United Methodist Church.
From five to ten members, including one young adult and a lay member of Annual Conference. One member may be a youth. No staff member or immediate family member of a pastor or a staff member may serve on the committee. Only one person from an immediate family residing in the same household shall serve on the committee. The membership shall be divided into three classes, one of which shall be elected each year to a three-year term. Where there is more than one church on a charge, the committee shall include at least one representative from each congregation. All members must be members of the local church. Members of the committee may succeed themselves for one three-year term.
Chairperson: Dave Adams
Pastor: Pastor Mel Nielsen
Lay Leader:
Lay Member To Annual Conference: Terri Benz
Class of 2022: Dave Adams, Maggie McClary and Pat Manker
Class of 2023: Priscilla Cook
Class of 2024: Bonnie Robinson, Jerry Walker and Mary Tomlin